Dr. Mészáros Gabriella Dip. WSET

Dr. Mészáros Gabriella Dip. WSET

AKÓ Kft. (AKÓ Gastronomic Consulting and Publisher Ltd. – AVilla Pasarét) Owner, editor, publisher. Wine-writer and wine educator. Main activity in the firm: publishing and education.

AKÓ Kft.ガストロノミーコンサルティング&出版会社 社長。編集者、書籍雑誌発行者、ワインライター、国際ワイン学者、ハンガリーワイン教育第一人者。



ELTE Faculty of Law

 degree in law

counsel exam



Dr. Mészáros Gabriella barrister

メーサローシュ・ガブリエッラ 弁護士


 Weinakademie Österreich WSET

 International wine-academist, diploma holder

オーストリアの名門ワインスクール Weinakademie Österreichにて、イギリス・ロンドンに本校がある世界最大ワイン教育機関、Wine & Spirits Education Trustのワイン教育コースを学び、最高位のデュプロマ資格を取得。国際ワイン学者としてハンガリーワイン教育界の第一人者としてハンガリー国内および、ヨーロッパでも講演活動、ワインコンペティション等の審査員として名を連ね、世界的に活躍している。


Terra Benedicta - The Land of Hungarian Wine
Ételekről és borokról
Ételekről és borokról

Her Wine Books



Wineguide – published in sixteen times in Hungarian, English and German language containing the tasting notes of over 2000 wines , author editor and publisher


Magyar Borok Könyve – author, editor and publisher Terra Benedicta – Tokaj and beyond – author, editor and publisher – also published in japanese Terra Benedicta – Áldott föld – author, editor and publisher Bortankönyv 1-2. Ételekről és borokról – On food and wine – 2020. author, editor and publisher Articles and other publications (Konyhaművészet, Borigó, Eszencia, Magyar Konyha)


テッラ・ベネディクタ-ワインの国 ハンガリー  トカイを巡りて
Author of the Hungarian chapter in „Oxford Companion to Wine” (Jancis Robinson, Oxford University Press) and the „World Atlas of Wine” (Johnson – Robinson, Octopus Publications). Grapevines (Robinson, Harding, Vouillamoz: Wine Grapes, 2012, Allen Lane Member of different wine contest panels

・MWジャンシス・ロビンソン、オックスフォード大学出版によるオックスフォードの関係者に向けたワイン書籍と女史の名著 The World Atlas of Wine内のハンガリー編の執筆を担当。

Her steady progress as a international wine educator.


Running the first Hungarian school for wine tasting.

Since 2006 the AKÓ Ltd. (Borkollégium) has an international accreditation (WSET Approved Programme Provider).

2011-. She entered a new co-operation with Weinakademi Österreich ,

She took part in the English language education system of the Weinakademie.



2006年〜同ワインスクールはWSET認定ワインスクールとして、現在はWSET LEVEL 3のコースまで受講が可能となっている。

2011年〜WSETのワインコースを学んだ母校であるWeinakademi Österreich(オーストリア)のビジネスパートナーとしてよりグローバルにワイン教育事業に携わるようになる。


Online Hungarian Wine Course


Wines of Hungary

ワインズ オブ ハンガリー

Online Tasting Events


Wines of Hungary

2017 November ~ CoreLogic (NYSE); Account Director for Japan

In charge of strategic partnerships, insurance and reinsurance markets: market intelligence, new growth opportunities, feasibility, client-centered product development, event response, relationship building and management, brand management, vendor and partner sourcing Reintroduced brand to market and retained – grew key accounts, established communication channels to discover user cases, hidden needs and emerging market trends, built internal momentum by securing C-suite level buy-in to roll-out new strategies, provided counsel for projects and market-specific communications. Drove initiatives to optimize operating model to be better responsive to market developments and specific client needs.

2014 July ~ Advisor; organizational design and operating model optimization

• Global shipper, Japanese – enabled new growth by operating model optimization, advised on restructuring communication design to allow better visibility into outlying units’ operations, to better align HQ and subsidiaries objectives and related actions and to be promptly responsive to changes across all markets • Global white goods maker, Japanese – advised on APAC, North/South America growth strategy by promoting client-centered innovation, optimizing communication design to create cross-functional and cross-regional connections. As a result, planning capability has been delegated to previously outlying organizational units and HQ commitment is secured to implement projects suggested by the subsidiaries. • Renewable energy, engineering venture (150+ staff); organizational and culture change, helped identify and formulate values, drove field and rank dialogue, broke down silos by making communication lines and processes explicit, identified new leaders and designed – facilitated management training, identified gaps in operating model and designed improvements

• Food wholesale incl. call center operations, international mid-tier corporation: organizational and culture change – helped formulate new goals and values, aligned business strategy and model, championed operations optimization by organizational change, communication re-design, process improvement and capability training, HR cycle revision, services development (design thinking method), assisted implementation of measures by co-designing project management plans and advising on implementation. Operating profits doubled in a month after launching new services. Identified 37.2% cost-cut opportunity in inventory management • Fitness club chain, among domestic top 5: developed marketing strategy to reposition business – discovered untapped segment with growth potential of 2.2% to 4.3% (JPY 0.5 – 1 billion) • Research contractor for the Boston Consulting Group: contributed to client presentations with analytics and first proposals • Go-to-market strategy for pharmaceutical venture (oncology) and business case for food retailer to expand into new industry (lifestyle): established financial viability, mapped competitive landscape and customer behavior, found and built network imperative to enter market and proposed positioning and growth strategy including scenario analysis and financial projections • Market trending for EU marketing publication: relationship of urban development and retail in Japan, retail scenes, purchasing trends, shopping behavior, mobility, free time and relaxation • Renewable infrastructure development project; Laos, estimated capital cost USD 50 million. Established economic and financial viability, drew up project management plan, stakeholder engagement plan

2013 March- 2014 June Nippon Koei Co. Ltd., Project Facilitator Telecommunications development project (Iraq)

Coordinated a government sponsored megaproject; multibillion dollar range, 14 team members and 20+ collaborators, six nationalities. Designed & facilitated Client workshop to introduce latest trends in Japanese telecom technology and practical application. Special achievement: sensitive conflict resolution – use expertise and insights in the Middle East and Japan to increase awareness and optimize interaction among parties; government level Client relations, conflict resolution, contract negotiation and consultative progress management Micro-hydropower project; Nepal Multimillion USD; reconstruct/refurbish three hydroelectric power plants; project design phase


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